February 19, 2011
International Women’s Organization for Charity
Back in 1995 several international women’s groups came together to discuss the possibility of hosting an international night. The objective of the evening would be, not only to focus on the food, national costumes, dances and music of each respective nation, but more importantly to raise money to support the local charities of these international women’s clubs. Small World was born. Thus, 24 women’s groups had an event that attracted 300 expatriate people and raised 300,000 Naira ($2,000). Flash forward to 2010. Small World 2010, last February, celebrated their 15th year and “sparkling future”. Now Small World 2011! Last night Rocky & I attended our first Small World. There were 27 women’s groups representing over 60 countries. The event was attended by 3,200 people and raised over 32,000,000 Naira ($213,500) which will be distributed to the Small World Charities. This year the “go green” theme looked to reduce the carbon footprint of the event and to build “Green” awareness across the community. For the first time recycling bins and solar power lighting were throughout the grounds. The plates on which the world’s cuisine was served were made of banana bark and were completely biodegradable as well as manufactured from natural materials that would normally be left for waste. The beautiful National flower decorations in the entry were all made of recycled paper, as well as all the fashion models costumes. It was a beautiful breezy evening, with more food to taste than one could ever imagine. The Chinese had wonderful sushi, Scandinavia had exceptional chicken pate, Ibero-America had icy-cold homemade margaritas, Germany had sauerkraut and sausages, and the list goes on! We gave it our best shot, but there were just some places where we could not partake as we could not eat any more. We did certainly not go home hungry. Two and half hours into the event, a stage show consisting of each country’s interpretive dances began. While some entertainers followed the “go green” theme closely, others simply danced their country’s native dances. It was quite a musical and enjoyable evening and we will definitely go again.