March 20, 2010
Last year Rocky & I participated in the first “Run for the Cure” here in Lagos. It was pretty amazing that about 300 runners and a few sponsors raised enough money (9 Million Naira or $60,000) to buy and support a Mammogram machine in the Women and Children’s Hospital in Calabar in Cross Rivers State (this is where my driver is from and also where his 17 year daughter goes to university) and give a donation to the Susan G. Komen Fund in the USA.
This year the Run toward the Cure theme is “The Power of 10”. If everyone who enters asks 10 people to enter or to donate even more could be raised. The goal was to raise funds to purchase another mammogram machine for here in Lagos and to continue supporting the breast cancer ward in the hospital in Calabar. The organizer is a teacher at the American International School Lagos (AISL).
Race morning saw so many people, more than 1000 particiapating in a 6k run or walk. There were corporate sponser banners everywhere. The color pink dominated the school grounds. There were policemen to shut down the roads for the racers. There was water and donuts once you finished and awards. Shell won for raising the most money and having the largest team. Yummie Mummies (a group of mothers with children at AISL) won best t-shirt. The spirit of friendly competition prevailed and fun was had by all. A very successful race day!

And the Finish Line!