March 20, 2010
I know it is not yet Easter but we are a community of expatriates who when the holidays arrive we all travel out of Nigeria. And the children get 2-3 weeks of Spring Holiday at Easter from school. Thus, holidays are celebrated early and hence, we had an Easter Egg Hunt for all Shell residents this past Saturday. Actually the hunt was for the children and the adults drank a few beers and “ooh”ed and “aah” ed and smiled as we were shown all the eggs collected.

I am a committee member of the Residents Committee who over the course of a year will host 5 to 6 events for the Shell residents. First we had everyone that traveled in February bring back plastic eggs and a few items ordered over the internet (we can not live without the internet here). From there we organized 3 egg hunts for children of 1-12 years, grilled hot dogs, and had a soft serve ice cream machine. We hired a few nannies and drivers to help with the set-up and cooking logistics. We set up craft tables, with coloring, quizzes, glitter glue, making of chickies, scratch offs, and egg decorating. (You are correct that I helped organized the crafts!)
Everyone had a egg-cellent time! At the end of the afternoon the children all received a treat bag with a beautiful Cadbury Easter Egg.