We are here

We’re Here!

Sorry it took awhile to get a posting to everyone, but getting IT up and working took a few days. Our trip over via Atlanta was pleasantly uneventful, and although we’re in the rainy season, it has yet to rain a drop in the 2 days in which we’ve been here. The weather has been beautiful, with a high of ~82F each day. We’re living in ahotel for the time being, until our furniture arrives and we get into permenant housing.

Keep in touch, everyone!

Hangin’ with friends

So, today, Saturday, June, 28th, we’re hanging out with our friends at Dave French’s house in Magnolia, Texas.  The day’s spent so far eating, playing cards, drinking, eating, playing pool, drinking, eating, playing with the dogs, drinking…

Seriously, we are going to miss our friends so much, but we are counting on making additional friends in Nigeria!  It’s always a little bit “scary” giving up everything that you know and that you’re comfortable with, but life is an adventure, and Julie and I believe that you have never really lived life to the fullest unless you’ve pushed the envelope of your comfortability factor and reached out to the global experience.  We know that Nigeria will challenge our comfort factor and our views on life and the world, but we welcome that experience, and hope that we will continue to grow in our appreciation of the true human condition.

And to all of our friends, we love you and look forward to staying as close as possible while we are over “the pond”.  Stay Safe!!

More to follow…

Relaxing with friends before the big day

Dear Friends:

This is how we can keep you all informed of the adventures over the next several months.  We have spent the last month preparing for the big move.  And on June 30 we will leave for Lagos, Nigeria.  This weekend we are spending with friends: card playing, billiards, barbeque and great conversations.

Check back to see where our adventure takes us.

Rocky and Julie