2012 – The Sights of London

June 28- July 7, 2012

I actually made 3 trips into London during this visit.  The first was on a drizzly Sunday; the one day you can drive in central London without paying a congestion tariff.  We started out early and once reaching River Thames followed it on to London.  We saw the wharf (Rotherhithe) from which the Mayflower sailed and the clipper ship, Cutty Sark in Greenwich before stopping at Dickens Inn on St. Katharine’s Docks for drink and lunch.  We met some former Lagos expats and enjoyed catching up.  We then traveled on to London stopping to walk across London Bridge and see the Tower of London.  Back in the car past the London Eye, St Paul’s Cathedral to Trafalgar Square and to The Mall, however, the Mall was closed to vehicular traffic in preparation of the Olympics.  So we continued past Westminster Abbey and St James Park to Buckingham Palace.  Despite the rain and grey skies there were lots of tourists even though the Queen was not in residence.  That is when we discovered the Palace would be open to the public for 7 days only while I was in town.  So we booked tickets to see the Palace on the upcoming Friday.


Cutty Sark

A Cockney Pearly King and his cab.

London Bridge ready for the Olympics.

The tower of London.

Admiralty Arch

 Big Ben


The London Eye also known as the Millenium Wheel

The second trip was by train from Wadhurst to Charing Cross, about an hour’s trip.  The purpose was to take in a matinee and we chose Ronald Dahl’s Matilda which was at the Cambridge Theatre.  It was a truly delightful production, so enjoyable.  We took a quick walk through the Coventry Garden Market before the show.   We also did a quick stop at the National Portrait Gallery to check out the royal family exhibit.  We finished the day with a Chinese dinner in Chinatown.

Charing Cross Train Station


Showing Great Britians colors for the Olympics


Trafalgar Square

The third trip was also by train for a Day Out at Buckingham Palace.  We would see the Queens Gallery exhibit about Leonardo de Vinci.  Next we toured the Mews or what is the garages and stables of the Palace.  We saw the carriage Prince William and Katherine used in their wedding.  Since the Queen was out of town so were all of her horses but 2, they were to pasture for Holiday. Then we entered the Palace to see several of the state rooms and an exhibition of the Queens diamonds (in commemoration of the Queens Diamond Jubilee).  It is an awesome beautiful place, yet a working place as these were the rooms’ where the Queen greets and meets with visiting dignitaries.   But also these rooms display several of the Queens works of arts.  Unfortunately, no is allowed to take photos in the Palace, as it is not only where the queen works but where she lives.  The tour covers the first and second floor ending in the Palace Gardens. I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to visit the Palace. London is a wonderful place to visit!

The famous kissing balcony of Buckingham Palace.
One of Queen Elizabeth’s carriages stabled inthe Mews.


                                The rear lawn of Buckingham Palace!

London 2012 – Canterbury & Kings Week

June 2012

 As a part of my London trip I was able to partake in the activities of King’s Week in Canterbury.  King’s Week is a unique festival of music, drama, art and recreation. Held every year in the last week of the Summer Term of The King’s School, it attracts thousands of parents, friends and visitors. Events, ranging from jazz to dance, from classical music to a variety of plays, and pupil and staff presentations, are staged in attractive settings around the School. For the hundreds of pupils involved in many capacities, King’s Week provides focus in the period after examinations and a glorious climax to the School year.

The arch leading into The Kings School.

I sat in the Great Cloister of Canterbury Cathedral to listen to King’s Serenade Choir singing acapella a varied selection of secular music from madrigals of the sixteenth century to present day arrangements.  It was a magical evening under the stars in the shadow of the cathedral.

In the Great Cloisters beside Cantercury Cathedral.

I also attended the Lark; a student play about Joan of Arc.  It was high drama to see Joan defending herself in a courtroom that eventually leads to martyrdom. This was hosted outdoors in the Mint Yard on a 4 sided stage.

The Parrot established 1370.

I strolled the old cobble streets of Canterbury window shopping and looking for souvenir spoons.  We stopped for drinks and dinner one evening in The Parrot established in 1370.  At one time it was 7 dwelling inside the building which of course is now the pub.  It still contains the staircase from 1470, low ceilings with large wooden beams.

The Jazz Concert was an exhilarating evening.  Held in Shirley Hall this is a student directed concert featuring the Big Band, Modern Jazz, the King’s Men and the King’s Swingers.  The music was truly delightful and toe tapping!

Wapole House Leavers 2012

Here at Kings, I was then honored to attend the Leaving ceremonies of a friend.  It was a beautiful day that started with a service in Canterbury Cathedral, then moving to a champagne reception on the school house lawn with family and friends.  Next it was time to remove all the students’ belongings from the boarding house. Finally to cap the evening with a Leavers Ball held out in the country on a beautiful estate lawn filled white tents and chandeliers.  The Ball was a feast for the parents and lots of music and dancing for the students.  I think this tradition of Leaving Kings is even better than a graduation ceremony.

Our garden setting for champange and lunch – The King’s School

The King’s School sits in the shadow of Canterbury Cathedral and has from the beginning of time been associated with education.  In 1170 Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral and soon afterwards miracles began to take place.  Thus Canterbury Cathedral became one of Europe’s most important pilgrimage sites.  Today the Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury and still very much a living working church with daily services. For Anglicans worldwide the Cathedral is their Mother Church.

 Canterbury Cathedral as seen from King’s School.

London 2012 – Leeds Castle

June 2012

Leeds Castle sits on a 3000 acre estate in the rolling hills of Maidstone, Kent and is known as “the most beautiful castle in the world”.  This castle is still surrounded by a moat and dates from 1119. It has passed from queens and kings until it went into private ownership in the 16th century.  The last private owner, Lady Baillie, left quite a mark on the castle as she did a complete refurbishment in the 20th century. She used the finest French architects and designers to create an elegant country estate filled with her personal arts and antiques from her travels.  There are 24 bedrooms most with a bath. The castle is ideal for picnicking and walking the gardens and maze.

Leads Castle – a great view from our picnic spot


Castle front entrance


Fireplace in the Henry VIII banquet hall.




The chapel was commissioned by King Edward I in memery of his wife Eleanor of Castile. It is consecrated as a Chapel Royal and services are still held here.


The ruins of the Barbicon an essential part of the castle’s fortification.


One of the carpeted gardens.


Black swans are the symbol of the castle – first introduced to the UK after being imported from Australia in the 1920’s.


London 2012 – Lymden Oast

June 2012

A visit this summer to London has afforded me the opportunity to visit and stay in an oast house.  An oast is a kiln that was designed for the drying of hops as part of the brewing process.  Oasts are generally seen in southern England in the Kent (also known as the garden of England) and the Sussex area.  Oast consist of 2 or 3 stories on which the hops were spread out to dry from the hot air from a wood-fired kiln below.  The drying floors were thin and perforated to allow the heat to pass through and then escape in a cowl on the roof which turned with the wind.  Once the hops were dry they were raked up, bagged and taken to the local brewery.  Hops today are dried industrially and many oast have been converted into dwellings.   This oast house has two oast from the 19th century in the distinct circular form with conical roof topped by the wind driven cowl.  Each oast is 3 stories tall connected to a 2 story rectangle building and situated in a valley next to a creek surrounded by rolling hills, fields of grain and flower gardens.


The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure

June 16-23, 2012


Each year the GOBA route features a different part of Ohio traveling through peaceful countryside and stopping at exciting tourist destinations.  This is the 24th year for the GOBA and my brother-in-law, AJ has ridden every year!  The highlights of the 2012 tour include 5 days of cycling 45-55 miles from town to town and 2 optional days of loops.  The terrain is considered “rolling with some hills” and primitive tent camping at fairgrounds, schools and parks.  This year I am joining the adventure with Pam & AJ.  Granted living in Nigeria there are more stationary bikes than the kind you ride out doors but I did train both inside (mostly)  and out  (a bit – the cobblestones of Banana Island are wearing) from May 1st onwards. 

I arrived at my sis’s a few days early to test the bike out and to take a few short rides.  We rode the wonderfully paved bike trails in the area….what pleasure and smoothness!

The GOBA adventure began at 5am on Sunday morning (as we elected not to camp Saturday night but instead drive straight to the start line) with a drive to Hillsboro for registration, drop the luggage and start biking.  Well it was killer hills right out of the gate but then smoothly rolling hills for the first 13 miles when the rains started. It rained slowly but continued to gain on us till we came upon a beautiful old covered bridge.  Once under the bridge the rains stormed so about 200 of us cyclers took refuge in the bridge for 10 minutes or so…before heading back to the rain and hills.  After 3 hours the rain stopped and the roads turned into bicycle trails. We were cruising along with my goal to be in the park for the day by 1pm when sis noted a flat tire.  Pam & I had tubes but no pump, however a gentleman came along fixed the tire for us which is quite nice when it is just 2 girls out for a ride!   We made it to a beautiful riverside park in the center of Chillicothe about half past one.  We discovered our tent was up thanks to AJ, and headed to the shower trucks for hot water to revive us.   Afterwards, we found the closest bar for beer and nachos! Then it was time for a stroll around town, some coffee, read the local paper, do a little shopping and check out the local sights.  

Leaving the covered bridge after the rain. This is a one lane bridge built in the 1800’s.

Monday was a rest day…or loop day.  We elected to bike to a local sight, the historic Adena Mansion & Gardens, and take a tour.  According to the town folk it was a 2 mile walk away…..somehow it took us on a 10 mile bike ride to get there….but it was a nice downhill ride 2 miles back to town & camp.  Later that evening we caught the GOBA Grand Prix races through the center of town.

Tents, tents and more tents every where you look!

Thus our daily routine was up at dawn, pack and take the tent down, load luggage into the trucks and on the road at 6-ish.  The temperature was predicted to by 93-95 degrees the rest of the week.  It sounded better to ride early versus in the heat of the day.  We rode paved county and township roads 90% of the time with very little or no traffic.  The scenery was stunning…..fields of corn, soybean or wheat with rolling hills of green and silos and windmills in the sky.  There were generally 3 stops: breakfast, lunch and pm snack.  Those stops were in parks, in schools and in fire stations with a variety of hot and cold food and drinks. However, it is difficult to each lunch at 930am so that became a water stop instead.  Beer and nachos are a great pick-me-up after riding. 

Follow that orange sign to breakfast. Towns closed streets as they opened their hospitality – today it is a firehouse!

The local libraries were generous with computer usage for email checks and most towns had bargains or discounts on meals or shopping. All of the towns threw traditional street parties with loads of food and bands playing. We saw the view that inspired the Great Seal of Ohio and the famous 7 bullet holes in the Washington Courthouse courthouse door.  We visited a bar in Ashville so overwhelmed by 2000+ cyclers that the locals stepped up to tend bar while the bartender became the cook, but boy was the food good!  We pedaled through a tunnel of trees on our way to Wilmington and ate Buffalo Wild Wings with AJ’s friend.  On the last day we visited a Lavender farm which was developing an earthen home out of the mud and recyclable products including tires, bottles and cans. 

Julie (Rider 1062)

By the time we returned to Hillsboro, I was getting used to pedaling the hills.  At the finish we were greeted by an arch of bicycle parts and whistles and cheers.  The highlight was finishing the ride (for me ~ 280 miles) and never getting sagged.  Of course, screaming down a long hill at 31.2 miles per hour was definitely a heart racing milestone and a bit scary!  I am so looking forward to next year!

GOBAville also known as the information tent.

GOBAville the worlds largest moving town is complete with its own mayor.

Main street GOBAville is complete with GOBA souveniers and multiple bike repair and supply shops!



Botswana: A Little-Known Jewel

April 4-10, 2012

We had a long holiday weekend over Easter so we decided to explore Botswana.  Some of our friends had been to Botswana, and so we decided to learn more about this little-known country.  The top three reasons commonly noted to go to Botswana are the Okavango Delta, big game and birding. Botswana is roughly the size of France or Texas with 18% of its area reserved for conservation. Botswana’s population is small, two million people.  The Moremi Game Reserve is the first such reserve in southern Africa created by an African community on tribal lands.  It is a major tourist draw and it has been very successful. The animals are thriving and reproducing. To get there, we flew from Johannesburg, South Africa to Maun Botswana, and then took a 6-seat plane for a 45-minute flight to an area almost inaccessible by road.  All of our travel destinations within Botswana will have us fly either a large airbus 330-600 with South African air, a small BAe146 on Botswana Airlines or on a small Cessna, (both the red tail 8 seat and the blue belly 6 seat). The Moremi Game Reserve on the Okavanga Delta would be our first stop. We stayed at Camp Moremi on banks of the river’s main channel.  The delta is formed by the Okavango River which descends from the Angolan highlands and fans out over western Botswana. The delta is an intricate network of channels and lagoons in a land locked country dependent on the rains and water of Angola covering 5,791 square miles. It is actually the world’s largest “bird-foot” delta that never reaches the sea, as the waters eventually descend into and under the Kalahari Desert.


Great Egret

Camp Moremi is on the Xakanaxa lagoon in the heart of the Okavango delta and the Moremi Game Reserve. The reserve in his area is covered by Mopene forest, open grasslands, seasonal floodplains and Riverine habitats. The Moremi tree lodge is elevated amongst shady ebony trees and overlooks the lagoon.  The camp only accommodates 22 people in safari tents on raised, teak decks.


Rocky & Julie

On arrival we were treated to a late lunch and the news that tea would be in 30 minutes followed by a game drive.  Because it is winter (as of April 1st) the water has begun to flow at an increased rate into the delta from Angola.  The entry drive into the camp itself is already covered in water 12-20 inches deep. We headed out to where a lion was last seen fairly close to the camp.  Of course the lion did not know we were coming and had moved on.  So we began tracking him deep into the grasses by following his footprints along sandy trails and roads, but never did find him.  We did see impala, lechwe, roan and sable antelopes, warthogs, elephants and lots of birds!  We found a hippo skull and heard about two hippos that recently fought nearby until one was fatally injured and died in camp.  Of course, the staff could not leave a rotting hippo carcass in camp and had to use two land rovers to pull the multi-ton hippo away from the camp.



Eventually we heard from another passing guide that the lion were had been tracking was 20 feet from where we last tracked him and off we went to check.  Sure enough, this lion was enjoying a lazy afternoon and barely gave us the time of day.  We observed him from 15ft for awhile, and then left him snoozing and went to neutral ground for sundowners (G&T’s and local beef jerky).  Upon return, dinner was by candlelight on the lodge deck overlooking the camp’s grounds and dock, followed by a nearby campfire.  The staff joined us and the conversation was lively. 



At 6am we heard the wakeup call, had a quick breakfast and went out on a morning game drive.  We tracked lions, hippos and found an assortment of animals: baboons playing around elephants, impala, mongoose, monkey, hippo, waterbuck, crocodile and an eagle.  We stopped for tea and biscuits out in the grassland but continued the drive until it was time for brunch.  Brunch was just that breakfast and lunch…. too much food!  Next decision: is it time for a siesta or a boat ride out on the delta?  The delta won our ‘fancy’ and we took off to wander the delta via water by boat.  The reeds and papyrus were higher than the boat, but the breeze was beautiful and we found hiding crocodiles, opening water lilies, growing water chestnuts and an elephant that traversed the delta’s channels to occupy a small island. There are 80 species of fish, along with crocodiles and otters co-existing in the waters of the delta.


Roan Antelope

Then it was off to tea and our evening game drive.  We drove a meandering route seeing elephants, impala, water buck and lechwe.  Sundowners with nibbles ‘in-the-bush’ are always a treat. Dinner was guinea fowl and Kobe steaks. We stayed at the campfire for a short while but it was off to pack as we would leave the camp directly from the game drive after breakfast the next morning.  Come dawn, we were up and at breakfast, and left our packed bags at camp as they would meet us at the airstrip. 


Hunting Leopard


The game drive would be the most interesting, yet, as we headed to an island nearby via water covered roads. We saw an aging bull water buffalo, and impala. Then we found leopard tracks, lots of tracks!   Lo and behold there was a leopard ahead in a tree.  Under the tree were a group of impala.  So this was obviously a hunting leopard.  We witnessed the leopard watch the herd and then leave the tree to find a better vantage point by climbing another tree.  At this place, there was a lone antelope which was unaware that the leopard was stalking him.  It was captivating and tense to watch the leopard as it prepared to strike.  She was so patient and still, crouched on the trunk of the tree with every muscle tensed ready to spring when her prey would get just 1 step closer!  However, the antelope suddenly became aware of the leopard, leaped backwards and began “barking” to let the leopard and other animals know that the predator was spotted. Having lost her stealthy advantage, the leopard then settled into a comfortable tree branch for a nap and we left headed for the airstrip.



At the airstrip we met our pilot, a young lady named Vee from South Africa, and we were flying the blue belly Cessna for 30 minutes to Savute Safari Camp in Chobe National Park.


One hundred kilometers (62 miles) west of Victoria Falls, Zambia is Chobe National park, which is known for its elephants.  The Chobe River is the center of this area which includes flood plains, dead lake beds, the pan, sand ridges and forest. At 4,500 square miles it is one of the largest parks in Africa.   We are visiting the Savute area, which is dominated by the Kalahari and Mopene trees which the elephants love to eat.  We are staying at the Savute safari lodge located upon the banks of the Savute channel.  The camp is made up is 12 glass, wood and thatch safari suites overlooking the channel and a large watering hole.


Black-backed Jackel

It is a 20 minute drive from the airstrip to camp.  The roads are dry and 8-10 inches deep in sand – the sands of the Kalahari Desert. We spot giraffes, impala and wildebeest. We arrived in time for lunch on the deck in front of the water hole and the Savute channel.  Our cabin is spectacular. The entire front wall is glass overlooking the channel and the water hole with massive sliding glass doors.  What a view!  We are watching elephants and antelope wander in and out of the stage in front of us, not more that 10 meters away.  Luckily, the camp has a 12’-thick beam fence supported by electric wires to keep the elephants out, but other animal wander past us freely.


Resting his trunk!

The camp routine is the same as at our previous camp, so at 3pm it is tea time followed by a game drive.  We learned that a lion has been seen near a 40 year old elephant that has died a few days ago of natural causes.  What we find are 2 lion brothers so sated from their afternoon feeding on the elephant that they are sacked out under the bushes. Given their laziness, we decided to move on; however, we encountered a large male hyena coming to visit the free meal.  The hyena was tentative of us at first, but eventually decided to stroll past us on the way to the dead elephant.  However, smelling the nearby lions, the hyena then moved off.  The terrain here is very different than that of the Okavanga Delta.  The area is full of Mopene trees that are stunted or stripped of their leaves due to their popularity with the elephants.  The same goes for the Kalahari trees. There is also a large grove of 15 Ginko Biloba trees, each between 1000 and 1500 years old.  This type of tree is the lone survivor of an ancient special, and one of the oldest living things on earth.   After returning to camp we had dinner beside the water hole watching the elephants wander in and out.  We had a night cap at the fire circle and had the chance to see a serval cat that appeared out of the undergrowth to explore the unattended coffee tray.


Spotted Hyena

We woke the next morning to find leopard tracks at the side of our cabin.  This explained the rustling and noise we heard during the night. The guide said that the leopard entered the camp hunting the guinea fowl which are plentiful in the area.


Gemsbok or Oryx - with a broken horn

On our game drive that morning, we traversed huge plains of grasses, the local pan, and numerous water holes.  However, it was quite hot (90 degrees F) for the beginning of winter…and the animals were scarce.  We did see a couple of old elephant skeletons, which when you realize that there are 70,000 elephants in the area is not surprising.

It was Easter Sunday and the lodge had a lovely brunch including Easter eggs!


While the afternoon is free for siesta time…we enjoyed sitting on the deck and watching nature come visit our “private” watering hole….so relaxing.


Lilac-breasted Roller

On this evening, the game drive was characterized by seeing small herds of animals, including wildebeests, impalas, and waterbuck.  Again, after dinner we were privileged to see the serval cat which had visited us the night before.  This serval cat had a long tale and beautiful colors, and allowed us to get some excellent pictures of him.


Sleep that night was interrupted by the lions calling again and again.  There is a pride of five young brothers in the area, and the two which we saw the day before were in search of their ‘brothers’.   We awoke for a quick breakfast and then were out the gate where there was numerous paw prints, both lion and leopard.  We also saw the tracks of a leopard dragging an impala through the sands.  However, despite our best tracking efforts we never did see this leopard.  We decided to check out the area of the deceased elephant again, and sure enough, our driver found one of the male lion brothers resting at the side of the road.  We stopped to watch him for nearly an hour before he tired of the growing crowd of onlookers and decided to move off into the bush for a daytime nap.  On his way, he passed right beside the vehicle so close that we could have patted him on the head!  But, he paid us no mind.  We then traveled back towards the camp where w saw a line of breeding elephants marching along.



Our morning was cut short as we headed for the airstrip and the blue belly Cessna for a trip camp Moremi and then on to Maun.  Once in Maun we are transported to the Cresti Hotel pool for drinks and relaxation as we await our next flight.  At the pool side bar I met 2 young men from Zimbabwe.  When they realized I was from the USA they proceeded to tell me about their adventure in Shreveport, Louisiana at the casino there.  What a small world.


At 5 pm we boarded our flight to Johannesburg for an overnight stay at the Emperors Palace complex.  We had a leisurely stroll and dinner at the huge Mall, and a peaceful night’s sleep. The next morning we returned to J’burg airport, shopped and headed back to Lagos.   It was quite a whirlwind adventure, for just a long weekend.  However, Botswana was a beautiful jewel snuggled in the middle of the southern continent, and we were glad we had the chance to visit it.

Where's Rocky? 800 year old Baobob Tree

Outpost Spouses Christmas Luncheon

December 5th, 2011

While the men are away (i.e. working) the women will play!

The penthouse flat we borrowed for the luncheon.


Organizing committee


A feast of Indian delicacies!


Favors for all - a native head tie


Merry Christmas!


Big John’s Beach

November 27, 2011

Going to the beach is always an adventure.  Today we accompanied some friends to their company provided beachhouse down the intercoastal waterway past our beachouse another 15 minutes by boat and probably an hour or more by foot.  The beach is everchanging and in this area the village surrounds the beachouse.  The beach front is very narrow and steep as if always walking witha limp.  This beach house did have a fresh water pool with a sitting ledge along one side. The gazebo was right up at the beach edge which meant for a fabulous breeze.  Despite never having been here before our favorite beach vendors found us!

Pool & GazeboVillage child so proud that she has a bathng suit, however she does not swim.


Headed out to drop the net
Newly caught fish


All the village assists in the fishing.Headed home



Nigerian Conservation Foundation

November 26, 2011

This weekend Rocky & I went on an early hike to see the wildlife at the Lekki Conservation Centre.  The Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC) is one of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) foremost conservation project sites. It is located on the Lekki Peninsula and covers a land area of 78 hectare. The oil giant, Chevron Nigeria Limited has been LCC’s sole benefactor from inception till date. The LCC Complex foundation pillar & plaque was unveiled on 18 February 1989 by the President of World Wildlife Foundation, His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The LCC was solely established to serve as a conservation icon of Nigeria’s southwest coastal mangrove resources and an information centre for environmental education. Over 1.5m tourists of more than 100 nations have visited the sited LCC since inception. The land is divided into two sections: LCC Complex and the nature reserve. The nature reserve traverses a mosaic of vegetation types, namely: secondary forest, swamp forest and Savanna grassland A trail boardwalk was constructed in 1992 to the enrich tourists/visitors view of the vast resources of the nature reserve which is encapsulated on a mangrove terrain. The trail stretches a length of 2 Km. some of the side attractions along the trail are swamp outlook, bird hide, rest stops and the tree house. The tree house is one of the most fascinating features one can ever come across in an ecotourism zone. The tree house, stylishly seated on a stout dawadawa tree rises above 25m. A well protected ladder is ruggedly mounted behind the tree to enable nature enthusiasts reach to tree house to savor the panoramic view of the tree canopy.


We saw hundres of butterflies!


Ladder to the treetops!


"I'm shy!"




and more Monkeys!

West African Football – Middle School Style

November 9-13, 2011

The time had finally come:  the end-of-the-season West Africa International Middle School Football (soccer) Championship Tournament to be held in Dakar, Senegal.  Our boys’ team, representing the American International School of Lagos, Nigeria is a collection of eleven 6th and 8th graders, of a range of sizes and abilities that is typical of this age group.  These 11 boys will be accompanied by myself (the coach), and AISL school official (Donald), and two 6th grade moms.  Our trip starts with a Wednesday overnight flight from Murtala Mohamed International Airport in Lagos to Dakar, Senegal, via a stop in Cotonou, Benin.  We are joining a plane already full of 2 boys and 2 girls’ teams from Accura representing Ghana.  After arriving in Dakar at 2:30am, and settling the players down on mats on the host school’s gym floor, the players fell asleep by 4am. 

The Eagles at the Airport

After a brief breakfast that Thursday morning, we board buses and head to Gorée Island.  Dakar is clean and modern, hugging the coastline with resorts, beaches and perfect waves (remember “The Endless Summer”). 

We take the passenger ferry to Gorée Island where our guide takes us on a tour of the infamous place.  The island was originally settled by the Portuguese and later turned into the key transportation hub of the West African slave trade.  Slaves captured up and down the West African Coast were brought here to be shipped to the New World.  As an island, escape was nearly impossible, since the regular supply of infirmed and deceased captives kept the local waters teeming with sharks. We visited a slave transport house, of which ~15 operated on the island, where the cells for men, women, and children were preserved, and then the players got an opportunity to stand at “the Door of No Return” from which 10’s of 1000’s never set foot on African soil again.

Island mapDoor of no return!AISL Eagles


Door of no return!

After the tour of the water’s edge, we climbed a steep hill to the highest point in the island where we ordered lunch at a restaurant, and while waiting for lunch, visited a set of ~6-inch guns on a turret built into the hilltop (e.g. “The Guns of Naverone”).  These were emplaced by the French but were only actually fired once before they were disabled by strategic torching of the barrels.  Today, the encampment, tunnels and trenches are home to a vibrant art and crafts community.  The boys watched with interest as a sand artist plied his trade with nothing but glue and colored sand.  Then we returned to the restaurant for lunch.

AISL Eagles
Guns left by the FrenchSand Sculpter


Sand Sculpter

After the ferry ride back to the mainland and buses back to the host school, every player met their host parents and dispersed with them for their home-stays, under instructions to arrive early tomorrow for the start of the tournament.  The school administrator and I stayed at the Principal’s tri-level flat, where we were splendidly hosted and delighted in a home-cooked Ziti meal.

School gates

The next morning, Friday, began the Football Tournament at the school where the full-sized field was divided in half, and we played 8-a-side across the field with smaller goals.  There were 8 boys’ teams and 4 girls’ teams and every game was 2 x 20-minute halves.  Today, we would play 3 bracket games against Dakar’s second team (a 5-0 win), a strong Ghana Team (a 2-0 loss), and Burkina Faso (a 5-1 win), which was enough to advance us as the 2nd place team in the bracket.  In the other bracket, Abuja, Nigeria advanced as the 1st place team and Dakar’s 1st team advanced as the bracket runners-up, setting us up for all Nigerian semi-finals on tomorrow.

Pep rally in preparation of the tournament

That night, the adults’ walked to a Teacher’s birthday party, where a local teachers’ Rock Band played live “oldies” and everyone talked, ate pizza and danced.

On Saturday morning, after a morning jog along the oceanfront, I met the Team at school, where the Lagos boys subsequently played an excellent game and beat their Abuja rivals 5-2, while the other semi-final went to penalty kicks, which the host Dakar won.  The finals were a tense affair with ~200 spectators and great crowd noise.  Our Lagos team scored ~15 minutes in on a penalty kick, for a player fouled in the box and we held that 1-0 lead throughout the half.  The host school was strong defensively, and other balls put into their net by the Lagos boys were called back in the second half.  However, the 1-0 lead held up and we were crowned “West African Champions”.

The Champions - AISL Eagles!

From the field, the boys went back to their host family’s houses, showered and packed, and returned to the school for a Middle School Dance in the gym.  While the kids socialized, Donald and I walked to local Italian restaurant where we ate caprese and spaghetti.  We returned to school in time to shut down the party at 10:00pm, organize the boys, and transport them to the airport for a 2:00am flight back to Lagos.

Monument of the African Reaissance - 160 foot tall bronze statue that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and dominates the horizon of Dakar

Unfortunately, our plane was delayed in arriving in Senegal, and we didn’t leave Dakar until after 4:00am.  With a stop on Cotonou on the way back, the team arrived back in Lagos at 11:00am, tired, but with their trophy in hand.

All in all – an excellent trip.