Luncheon with the US Ambassador

March 5th, 2010 

March is “Women in History Month” here in Africa.  The AWC (American Women’s Club) had an idea to host a luncheon of 2 prominent American business women to celebrate Women in History in their honor.  Chosen were Ann Picard (Shell VP of African Operations) and Robin Renee Sanders (US Ambassador to Nigeria). Unfortunely, Ann was called out of town on business and was unable to attend.  However, we had a wonderful buffet luncheon at a new hotel on Ikoyi at the Protea Hotel Westwood.  The Honorable Madame Sanders was our guest.  It was a no press event (i.e. no cameras at all).   Our guests included 10 women directors and managers from UBA (United Bank of Africa), Danielle Fortin, the Canadian Ambassador (High Commission), Princess Sarah Adebisi Sosan (the Deputy Governor of Lagos State), and Donna Blair, The US Consul General. A sponsor provided a case of champagne to toast these famous Women in History which is a wonderful way to start a luncheon.

Madame Sanders willingly hosted a question and answer session with the guests.  She is a well informed and well spoken lady that discussed her role as Ambassador here in Africa.  She fielded questions on politics both local and global and the US position on several issues as well as the questions on security and American safety here in Lagos and the Niger Delta.  She has traveled to all 36 states in Nigeria to meet the people and the local governors.  Princess Sarah Sason congratulated Madame Sanders on the travel accomplishment as she herself had not been to all the states in Nigeria.  Princess Sason is also a well spoken and accomplished woman.  She took notes of the questions and had answers ready when Madame Sanders was done speaking.  She answered several questions discussing local issues (i.e. Road repairs, beautification, power, petrol and other improvements in Lagos).  What should have been 30 minutes turned into a 2 hour discussion and was so interesting. We closed the luncheon with a quiz about famous women in History and door prizes.  I was lucky enough to win a luncheon for 2 at the restaurant in the Protea Hotel complete with wine!

Oh Rocky and I went this Sunday past and sampled the luncheon buffet and drank our bottle of wine sitting water side in the restaurant having excellent service and a quiet enjoyable luncheon.  

This is my Nigeria!

Music in the Air

January 30, 2010

We have all attended events where you  buy a ticket or buy a table in support of a charity or organization.  Typically the event is indoors with some form of entertainment.  However, Music in the Air has a twist on the usual venue.  The setting was the lawn of the United States Consulate Generals Residence which is located on the waters edge in Ikoyi.  The event was a fundraiser for a Performing Arts Center for the American International School of Lagos. The event was a magical evening with a concert on the lawn.  The dress was formal – Red Sea Rig – in other words tuxedos minus the jacket. You brought your own gourmet picnic to enjoy and you received complimentary Moet champagne as well as red and white wine.  Roc and I gathered some friends and hosted a table for this event.  We began with nibbles of olives and crisps, followed by bacon wrapped shrimp in raspberry chipotle and salmon on petit crackers. We then moved onward to the main course which was cole slaw, potato salad, brisket, ham, quiche, and stuffed tomatoes.  Desert was brownie bites and mini cherry cheesecakes.  Of course one them must have cheeses and pate.  All the while we had a beautiful concert in the background: a symphonic band, a tenor , Brian Vaughn, and a pianist, Maria Asseva.  An elegant night of music under the stars with a wonderful fireworks finale!


DSCN3176 I love the black champange glasses!


DSCN3191 Katherine & Rocky

DSCN3192 Sue and Ian


Queens Drive’s Wednesday Night Football Barbeque

January 27, 2010

Wednesday Night Football has become a religion to the guards, staff, drivers, and expatriates at Queens Drive.  Attendance is anywhere for 15 to 25 players.  Recently a large brick Barbeque grill was built on the water side of Queens Drive outside the tennis court where Wednesday night football is played.  So it was decided to Baptize the grill after having a little friendly football competition.  Four drivers were selected as Captains:  Richard, Sunday Ujie (our driver,short Sunday), Sunday (tall Sunday), and Emmanuel.  They each had to select 6 players from Queens Drive (expats, guards, staff or drivers) for their team and then play a mini competition.  After the competition the residents would then serve the team a Barbeque feast.   We have a resident grill master, Eric, who cooked Chicken, Hot Dogs, Burgers and Brisket (the brisket came all the way from Texas) while the competition was being played.  He was assisted by a residents cook, Emanuel.  The teams were evenly picked and play was fast and furious but fun.  Wives and children came to watch.  One young player, Martin, was the team photographer in between playing.  Every one enjoyed the barbeque of their choice and refreshments. The yellow team won captained by our driver, Sunday Ujie!  He was so proud! DSCN3141 Ping Pong (table tennis) match for the non-footballers. DSCN3144 The new grill DSCN3158 Grillmaster Eric and Chef Emanual DSCN3151 The winning team! Captain Sunday (standing in black far right). DSCN3152  The Blue Team & Captain (tall) Sunday (on the far left standing). DSCN3159 Captain Richard (standing far right) and the Green team. DSCN3161 Captain Emmanual (standing middle) and the Red Team.  Notice Rocky front and center. DSCN3157 Kay and sons DSCN3165 Players (martin the photographer on the right) Below (5 pictures); players, family and friends……… DSCN3167 DSCN3163 DSCN3171 DSCN3173 DSCN3169

Kiki Kamanu & Fashion Show

January 26, 2010

This morning American Women’s Club meeting was not the usual speaker and coffee instead it was a fashion show!  A young American-Nigerian lady who started modeling at the age of 10 is now an up and coming designer.  Kiki was educated in Massachusetts (Harvard) and Paris.  Kiki produces only 25 pieces of any design. Omakaa is her female formal wear line.  Z.bird is a female playful avant garde design line of casual wear for today’s’ women who want something different.  Kiki also introduced her men’s line in her show to us today.  EKZ is inspired by the passion and colour of the 2010 FIFA world cup in South Africa.  Then there is the Arm Kandy or handbags.  Kiki uses 100% leather, assorted furs, ostrich, python, crocodile skins or a combination.  Kiki had music and lighting and an assortment of models.  For a moment we were all transported to New York City’s Fashion Week!


Z.bird Fashion Line


EKZ Fashion Line


Casual Dress Commenorating World Cup 2010


Omakaa Fashion Line


Arm Kandy (i.e. Handbag)


Designer Kiki

Sunday Craft Sale at the Lagos Yacht Club

January 30, 2010

Sunday at the Yacht Club  here is so relaxing.  Usually ,I see the Yacht Club only from the water as we cruise by on our way to the beach.  Today there is a craft sale at the yacht club.  The Yacht Club sits out on a peninsula of land that gets a marvelous breeze.  So a friend and I took the opportunity to browse the sale and have refreshments at the water edge.  A very nice way to chill on a Sunday afternoon.



Fabrics and Nike

January 23, 2010

 I had the privilege of attending a fabric dying session with Nike of Nike Gallery. I once before wrote of Nike (see     ).  Nike has spent her career teaching native Africans the art of batik so that this art is never lost.  Nike recently moved her gallery from her home to a new building that she designed and built at the second roundabout in Lekki.  It is a huge 4 storey building where she can showcase her art and art of her peers.  It was inspiring to just browse the building.  Then it was out the back door to a large patio that had been set up with tables and pots of dye. Today Nike was going to teach us how to tie dye cloth (handkerchief, t-shirt and fabric). All the while she has 2 film crews following her around.  One crew is from the USA doing a show for PBS.  The other crew is Africa Magic, a local cable channel that showcases native TV shows and projects. 


We started with 2 handkerchiefs’ each.  Nike demonstrated several ways to fold the squares to get a desired shape or pattern, adding a rubber band or two.  Then she dipped it into the dye pots and viola! What beautiful squares she had.  Nike made it look so easy.  So it was our turn.  Here you have 25 people trying to be as creative as Nike and it was comedy.  Some had more dye on them than on the handkerchief.  Mine turned out a bit pastel which means I should have left them in the dye longer to soak in more color. We hung them to dry on the fence and it was onto the t-shirts.  I used a razor blade fold to make mine and it turned out surprisingly well.  I attempted a second shirt for Rocky using pleats and rubber bands.  It looked black, then brown as it dried.  I was going for navy or a deep indigo color.  The next day I washed it in woollight and it turned indigo just as I wanted.  This took us about 3 hours! 

Photo-0037 You can see the dye pots and a hankerchief; Nike is in the blue and she had several of her artists assisting her.

Photo-0039 Some of our creations

Photo-0042 A batik Nike made.

 DSCN3156 My new tie dye t-shirt!

It was lunch break before we would learn about batik.  Nike teaches batik with wax as well as batik with cassava paste. You need 100% cotton material that has been washed and dried. The wax (paraffin or bees wax) is melted and kept warming over a low flame.  You then dip in a pointy foam cone and draw on the fabric.  The wax, if is properly warm, soaks into the fabric front and back.  When you have completed covering your fabric in wax of your design you then dip it in the dye(s) of your choice.  Then you let the fabric dry.  Once dry you boil it in a large pot to remove all the wax.  Your fabric is white where the wax was and you have beautifully designed piece of fabric.  We were able to paint with wax only a small piece of fabric.  To do a large table cloth takes about 5 days to complete.   Batik with cassava paste is done quite differently.  Cassava flour is made into a paste (similar to a runny oatmeal).  Using a birds feather, you dip it in the paste and paint your design on fabric.  You then let it dry.  Then for less than a minute you dip it in indigo dye. You then spread it out to dry.  If stays in the dye longer than a minute the paste becomes too soft and comes off, ruining your design.  So to get the color you want, you let the fabric dry and then dip it again (always less than a minute) repeating as many times as necessary to get the right color.  With cassava paste your design is only on one side of the fabric as the paste lies on top the fabric and does not soak into the other side.


After this venture, I have great respect for the batik artists! And appreciate the time it takes to make the lovely African tablecloths that I have.

BWG Christmas Luncheon

Singing for my lunch is not one of the things you ever want to hear, especially as I can’t carry a tune.  But in good faith that is what I did to celebrate Christmas Lunch with friends at the British Womens Group Christmas Luncheon. BWG xmas lunch 100

The Luncheon was prepared by a Nigerian cook and served at the British Kingfisher Club.  We feasted on Potato and Sweet Pepper Soup, Roast Turkey slices, stuffing balls, roast potoaotes and Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce.  We ate traditional Mince Pies with our coffee. Welcome to one of the Christmas celebrations in Lagos.

BWG xmas lunch 101

A Bash at Bob’s Bar

Tale is Bob arrived several years ago to Lagos and turned the spare room into Bob’s Bar and went onto host quite a few famous gahterings.  Bob has since moved on but the Christmas tradition of a bash at Bob’s Bar is carried on.  This year’s party got started with a serving of burger and chips or burger and chips with egg (all very British and cooked to order) followed by a rousing good drinks and a lively band!…all in the space of a small 3 bedroom flat!



DSC00318 Cadwell Bash

Gift Giving

During the holiday season one not only supports the local charities but the Awerican Women’s Club (AWC) also support the staff at the local charities by providing each staff member with a Christmas bag.  So we met and assembled 100 bags for 14 charities.  Our gift bag included airline toiletry bags, rice, beans, garri, tomato paste, sugar, flour, tea, milk, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, pens, tablets of paper, and a wide range of other things that had been donated to us to dispense.  All items went into “go to Ghana” bags (the plaid bags on the table). Merry Christmas!


Bagging Rice and Beans


Stuffing the Bags


Ready to GO

In Search of the Mountain Gorilla: Part 2 – The Gorillas

We arose to the mist rising from the rainforest in the morning sun as we had a lovely breakfast overlooking the valley.  We collected our day’s box lunches and traveled through the small local village of Bwindi to the entrance to the park, “The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest”, (which was only 500 meters away.)  Here, we met our fellow adventurers, 15 of us in all, as we watched a brief video introducing the local gorilla families to us.

There are 8-12 families that range near the parks entrance within a 3-4 hour hike, and the park limits the number of visitors to a maximum of 16 people per day, divided into two groups, each group to see one gorilla family for 1 hour only.  They try to rotate which gorilla families to visit each day, but whether or not one actually gets to see the gorillas depends on where they move to and which families are accepting and accessible.  Our group included us four, a retired widower from San Francisco, and two young adult women from Toronto on a 3-month Africa backpacking adventure.  We met our guide, Styven, who briefed us on the dos and don’ts of visiting gorillas in the wild.  Although the family that we would visit, “The Rushegura Family”, was known for being accepting of visitors, there were people in the past that were charged and/or attacked, and we would have armed guard rangers with us for our protection.  Meanwhile 4 Trackers had traveled out earlier in the day to the GPS marked site the gorilla family had been at the day before, as they would track the gorillas to today’s location and radio our route through the jungle ahead to our guide.  We were told that our gorilla family had only been about 1 hour away the day before, and so we had high hopes of a successful encounter.

We began our hike down a mountain trail into the ravine and across a small river, then up the jungle mountain on the other side.  However, after only 20 minutes of hiking, our guide received a radio call telling him that the trackers had followed the gorilla’s trail back towards the village closer to our starting location, and in fact, we were almost upon them.  We cut our way through the over-brush to a small semi-open canopied area where we encountered the Rushegura gorilla family, lead by the 800 pound Silverback “Murima”, who was napping on the ground.  Meanwhile the other family members were scattered about the immediate vicinity, both in the trees above, and about the area.  We took up positions about 30 feet upslope of the Silverback and quietly watched and took pictures as our one hour observation limit began.  We observed a mature female on the ground with a new born infant, (born only 3 months earlier on August 9th) and another female on a tree limb breastfeeding a young toddler.  Also roaming about was a large male, a blackback, 11-14 years old, who was not old enough to turn silver yet, and apparently was satisfied with being second-in-command.  Various other males and females were in the trees and came cautiously by to observe us.

 Uganda 105a Julie & Juvenile

Julie & Juvenile Gorilla

Uganda 110 Momma in Tree

Momma in Tree

Uganda 110b Mom


Uganda 113a Blackback


Uganda 113c Blackback

After we arrived, the toddler decided to quench his curiosity by coming to inspect us.  He climbed out of his mothers lap, down the tree, and naughtily came up to us.  The biggest threats to the gorillas are human diseases.  No person who is sick is allowed to visit the park, and no one is allowed physical contact with the gorillas.  However, the toddler came up and pulled on Rocky’s pant leg and touched Julie’s boots before being “shushed away” by the guide.  The Silverback sat up and kept an eye on us and his family as he casually ate leaves and stems.  All was quiet as the family went about its daily business for about 20 minutes until we heard the “bark” of a far-off baboon.  At this occurrence, the Silverback took notice, suddenly got up, took a few steps, called and beat on his chest, to bring his family together!  It was the classic myth scene acted out for our enjoyment!  Immediately, leaves and debris started falling from the trees above us, as other members of the gorilla family gathered.  After this, the Silverback kept on alert status, and many of the family accompanied him closely on the ground.  They were alert but not interrupted in their feeding and grooming routine.  Over the next 20 minutes, the baboons’ barks slowly circled clockwise upslope of us, until the Silverback shouted out a number of times to warn them away, and then he collected his family and moved ~100 meters away into a more open area.  We cut our way through the foliage for one last look before our hour was up and then we hiked back.  Upon returning to park headquarters, we received our certificate of authenticity for having visited the Mountain Gorillas, and were free to walk back through the village for a little local shopping and to return to our resort lodge for lunch.

 Uganda 114 Julie & Gorillas Best

Julie & Gorillas

Uganda 119 Silverback at Home

Silverback at Home

Uganda 121a Gorilla Family

Uganda 121c Gorilla Family in Tree

Uganda 124a Silverback

Uganda 130 Guide & Gorilla Best

Once we finished lunch and realized we had the afternoon free, we walked back to the park and arranged a hike up the other side of the ravine to an advertised set of waterfalls.  The hike would be about 2 hours each way, and we took a guide and 2 armed rangers (in the park armed escorts are required).  The first half hour of our hike was in a typical rain forest shower, but it did not dampen our spirits.  The waterfalls were 3 in number, about 10 minutes apart from each other with each more beautiful than the last. Along the way we saw forest antelope, Columbus monkeys and the largest palm trees that we have ever seen, (Russian Palms), with fronds 50 feet long and 15 feet wide!  The trail was muddy, slippery and steamy hot, but worth the investment.  We got back to the resort camp about 5:30pm, and had time for hot showers and a few drinks at the bar, before a hot dinner featuring beef stroganoff.  We made a final toast to the day and then trundled off to bed for an early rise the next morning.

 Uganda 150a Up the Falls Best

On Sunday, we arose to breakfast, met our driver, and set off back through Queen Elizabeth National Park, and back to Kampala through a more northern route through Port Royale.  This time we were held up by morning elephant herds crossing the road that were not happy to be rushed along upon hearing our horn.  We acquiesced to their casualness, and resumed our journey when they finally allowed.  The road back was not under construction and our progress was faster than planned.  Along the way, families and villages in best dress were heading to and from Sunday church.  We returned to the Shangri-La Hotel in Kampala, where our journey began, in the mid-afternoon, and had time for a quiet book in the garden, followed by dinner overlooking the city and a ponded tea garden on  a lovely Chinese restaurant balcony.


The next morning, we returned to the airport in Entebbe, flew to Nairobi and back to Lagos, our whirlwind adventure complete.

Uganda 156a Elephants on Road