Lunch with Ammbassador Sanders


I  had a quiet luncheon with friends to say good-bye to the current USA Ambassador to Nigeria.  The Honorable Robin Renee Sanders has been the Ambassador to Nigeria for about 2 ½ years.  Her office and work keep her mainly in the capital, Abuja.  However, she comes to Lagos a few times a month for meetings and various public functions.  As she prepares to depart Nigeria the last week of August she took the opportunity of being in Ikoyi to have lunch with the American Women’s Club.  It was a pleasant luncheon in a local Chinese restaurant “Reed’s” with mimosa’s, assorted appetizers and  entrees.  We finished with a toast and traditional American cake.

Left to Right are: Nancy, Ayoka, Sam, Julie, Mary, Betty, Tami, Ammbassador Sanders, Adeze, Frances, Beth, Christine, & Carolyn.

Ishahayi Beach School

Once or twice a month we travel down Five Mile Creek to a secluded, quiet, beautiful and incredibly poor beach to while away the day in sun and relax at our beach house.  Five years ago the local one room reed and straw school house was rebuilt by the expatriates like us who spend their weekends escaping the noise and crowds of Lagos on the beach.  While now proudly stands a 5 room school house with a metal roof, blackboards, desks and chairs that educates 70 primary students from the surrounding villages.  The school is charming, located under a canopy of palm trees with a football field front and center and a playground off to the side.  Teacher huts are at one end of the area and are occupied Sunday night through Friday afternoon during the school term.  Today there is a Board/Foundation  made up of the director of the school, the village chief and a few expatriates to sort the needs of the students and the school.   Over the last year there is now a computer lab fueled by a generator. Recently the school received a grant to purchase textbooks for each child.  Every little bit helps whether from sales of the book Nigerian Gems, to corporate donations and or private donations.  As the school term starts next week, Rocky and dropped off bags of notebooks and ink pens to get the school year started.  Chief James proudly showed us the school.

Village and homes next to the school.

The school.

The soccer field.

One of the classrooms.

A Very Happy Birthday

August 16, 2010

Yes today is my Birthday…and our plan is for cocktails, homemade pizza, champagne on the balcony and a movie.  Imagine my surprise when I answered an incoming call and was serenaded with

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

 Happy Birthday to Miss Julie

Happy Birthday to you

For she is a jolly good fellow

For she is a jolly good fellow

For she is a jolly good fellow

Hip hip hooray!

By numerous Nigerian Shell staff that were on coffee break from their HSE (Health & Safety Education) class.

It made me feel so special!

Esther Ujie

Our driver’s eldest daughter is enrolled at Cross Rivers State University of Technology in Calabar working toward and accounting/finance degree.  She just completed her first 100 Level semester.   Sunday, her father, is so proud of her and shared these pictures with us!



Pilanesberg National Park is one of the third largest national parks in the Bojanala Region of southern Africa.  This unique area is encircled by four rings of hills, a geologically fascinating complex which was produced by volcanic action millions of years ago.  This park is a malaria-free reserve. It is home to over 7,000 animals including the big five (lion, elephant, leopard, rhino and buffalo), as well as over 300 bird species.  It is unique in that one can drive one self through out the park. This park also allows hot air balloon safaris early in the morning (3:30am). During the course of our day we saw, baboons, bushbucks, elephants, giraffes, hippopotamus, a brown hyena, impala, a jackal, kudu, warthogs, waterbucks, blue wildebeest, and zebra.  In our several safari trips we had yet to see a rhino and here we were rewarded with seeing 4 white rhinos including a baby with her mother. 


 Red Hartebeest

 Mankwe Dam & Lake – notice the bird – we saw so many!


 Elephant Family

 Kudu – look at the horns on the male!

 Giraffe & Blue Wildebeest

 Bush Buck

 Elephant crossing right in front of the car.

 Zebra – look at his colors!

 Our first White Rhino!

 White Rhino with Baby – like elephants this mother always kept the baby shielded away from us.

 Two more White Rhinos!

 Munching away – they are BIG!

 Yes, the Rhino got very close to the car, however, we pretended to be a rock and waited for them to move on.  They were fascinating to watch.

Sun City South Africa

We came for a short getaway holiday over a Nigerian holiday weekend. After an overnight flight we picked up a rental car and traversed rural country roads stopping along the way at Hartbeesboortdam in the village of Broederstroom.  Here we drove across the one lane wide dam built in the1920’s. We then had breakfast at Tan’Malie Se Winkel, a curio shop and restaurant that was founded in 1921.  The shop has some interesting antiques and novelties while specializing in sweets and jams. The proprietor lit fires in the fireplaces to take the chill off the morn and served us a steaming cappuccino and home cooked breakfast.  Afterwards we continued an idyllic drive that took us past sunflower farms and platinum mining operations.


Sun City sits in the northwest province of South Africa approximately 185 Kilometers from Johannesburg.  I’ve heard it called the Las Vegas of Africa.  It is a resort and entertainment complex created by an entrepreneur in 1979 who concocted a myth of a lost civilization.  It consists of four hotels, 2 water parks, an entertainment center, a crocodile sanctuary, gambling casinos and 4 hotels.  However, the crowning jewel is a magnificent resort, The Palace, which is built on the ruins of The Lost City. It is opulent, gargantuan and extravagant beyond imagination.  It is Disney like in that it is exquisitely themed. 


We arrived in Sun City late morning to a beautifully warm sunny day.  The Palace is at the end of the road rising to greet you with fountains and cool breezes.  You are greeted with a refreshing glass of fruit juice. The Palace is just that; a palace decorated with an African wildlife theme and towering ceilings and windows, hand-carved walls,  painted frescos, handcrafted artifacts, chandeliers and fountains.  Our room was on the fourth floor overlooking the pool which had an exquisite tiled bottom.  We chose to lay by the pool, enjoy the sun and have lunch under the cabana after all we are on vacation.  Later we caught a ride to the entertainment center and explored the gardens that connected several of the hotels, ending with dinner at the Fishmonger (mussels, squid and fish).  We relaxed at the end of the day with a complimentary bottle of champagne.


We awoke to the sound of  birds and wildlife.  Breakfast was a feast: mimosas, ham, duck, omelets, waffles, eggs Benedict, cereals, fruits, juices, and assorted other side dishes.  There was no possible way to even taste everything; the spread of food was just amazing.  We spent the day driving in Pilanesberg National Park.  Upon returning to the Palace we were just in time for High Tea.  It brought back memories if the last time we had High Tea.  That was in 1995 (I think) at Waterton National Park in the Prince of Wales Lodge with the boys.  The Tea was traditional with several choices of tea, cucumber sandwiches, crème Brule, scones and jam, fruit tarts, petite fours, and other mouthwatering delights. We took in the premier of the movie Sex in the City 2 followed by appetizers and snacks in the Tusk Bar while listening to a young lady play the piano.  

On the return drive every 4 way stop intersection was filled with young hawkers trying to sell you a world cup hat, a south african flag or a snack/beverage.  Everyone had the same attire – a Bafanna Bafanna Jersey.  Even most the restaurants we were in the staff was sporting world cup jerseys of their team…this country is so excited and ready for the world to see South Africa.  The TV commercials, the bill boards and even the road signage is pointing to world cup – there are special signs leading you to the stadiums.  All a five hour flight from Lagos.

OMG! There is a ship on the beach!

As I sat drinking my coffee

OMG! There is a ship on the beach!

Yes there really is a ship on the beach!

And Frankie thought she could push it back into the ocean!

And 2 weeks later it was gone…

Shell Lagos Residents 5 A-side Football – A Prelude to World Cup Africa 2010

Saturday May 7, 2010  

Seven teams of Shell residents (of all nationalities), drivers, guards & stewards competed for fun and love of soccer.  There were a minimum number of rules and we even had referees. We used the tennis courts of Shell First Ave and Shell Second Ave (Each team was required to have 3 residents.  The unusual rule was that any team that had a girl got an automatic goal which made scores and play interesting.  We had one of the Shell Resident VP’s also play in the matches.  Each team had six matches and points were awarded as if this was “World Cup” play.  As the afternoon wore on we had several residents come and watch so that by the end the crowd was cheering on their favorite teams.  In the end Queens Drive United took the Champion title.  Everyone relaxed with sodas, beer and nibbles from the Sheralton Restaurant.  An Excellent day!

Celebrate Italian Food Day

Pasta e Fagioli…Insaluta di Seppie (Ink Fish Salad)…Grilled Peppers & Eggplant…Torta di Spinaci (Spinach Pie)… Polpettone (Rolled Meat Loaf)…Vitello Tonnato (Chilled Veal in a Tuna Sauce)…Torte di Zucchini (Marrows Pie)…Gnocchi (Petite Potato Pillows) followed by Baci di Dama (Lady Kisses – they melt in your mouth)…Dolce al Cioccolato (Chocolate Cake)…Crostata (Baked tart) and Espresso.

The Italian Community and General Consulate of Italy opened there doors Saturday Italian Food Day…a luncheon extravaganza of food, all you could eat.  Of course you could supplement this with Chianti, Grappa and Lemoncello!  It was magnificent!